We Have Learned a LESSON

We are now 9 weeks old, and have lived with our hoomans for two whole weeks.

We have a new toy; it is a basket. Seanmhair says it is for us to put our toys into, but we must remember that Seanmhair is old and should be humoured. The basket IS a toy. We like to run around it with our claws, play pull-the-toys-out-faster-than-the-hoomans-can-put-them-in, and take comfortable catnaps in it. Sometimes we like to purrtend we are Smaug the great dragon, and climb atop our hoard to purrtect it from thieving hobbits. We are not quite sure what a hobbit looks like, but if one tries to take our toys we will be ready for them.

Yesterday we learned a not-fun lesson. We thought we might like to snuggle up and nap with our hoomans, rather than eat or play. Seanmhair did not mind when we did this in the morning, and said it must be because of our zoomies from last night. When we did not eat our lunch or play in the after-noon, Mama said we would need to return to the land of Veh-tuh. We did not mind, because the nice hoomans in Veh-tuh adored us propurrly. But then Seanmhair said we would need to visit a DIFFERENT land of Veh-tuh. We did not mind this either, because there can never be too many hoomans to appreciate our adorableness.

The hoomans at the new land of Veh-tuh were not as fun. They poked us in places it would not be propurr to discuss, and prodded us with a shiny toy we were not allowed to play with that was cold when it touched our belly. We were ever so grateful when we were placed back in our tiny cave and returned to Mama and Seanmhair. We have learned that Mama and Seanmhair do not always take us to our adoring hoomans in Nice Veh-tuh, and that some hoomans have strange ideas about where it is propurr to poke a kitteh. We have vowed not to try this experiment again so we need never return to the land of the pokey hoomans in Not-Gentle Veh-tuh.

Today we have gobbled all of our food fast enough to make our hoomans smile, and have played with all of our toys until we were absolutely exhausted. This seems to have appeased our hoomans, as they are now making happy noises and have returned to taking photos of our adorableness.

We will remember.

(Human note: the doctor at the other veterinary clinic was perfectly gentle... Berlioz was, however, indignant for some time about the thermometers and stethoscopes.)
